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Oct.14, 2020



Jesus: Rock of Ages

He provides shelter for us in crisis time, especially  when our soul is wounded, by Rev. Victor Vidal

October 7th, 2020




Do You Know Who is in the

Middle of Your Storms?

He is a Storm Walker

He Rides on the Wings of the Whirlwind

God is in the Middle of your Storms

by Rev. Victor Vidal

 September 30, 2020
Wednesday Bible Study
Be Encouraged! Be Inspired! There are Better Days Ahead!
Don't Allow Bitterness to Destroy
you from Within
by Rev. Victor Vidal
September 23, 2020


Walking in the Holy Spirit - Part #7

The song started with, "Why should I trust in man, when man will eventually come to dust."


This Wednesday Bible Study is a testimony about the miracles ignited by the Holy Spirit

The evidence is presented in this video.

by Rev. Victor Vidal

August 26, 2020



Walking in the Spirit - Part #2

How to Engage the Holy Spirit?

Scripture: Acts 1:4-8

by Rev. Victor Vidal

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