Members Caution Alert!

Grant Lovell and Bethel
AME Churches
Church YouTube Channel
We Are Giving Out Free Bibles
We Are Giving Out Free Bibles
Congratulations Presiding Elder Goodman
Grant Lovell Church, MO
Bethel Church, Macon, MO
Church Sunday School
Annual Conference Schedule
Guidelines to reopen church buildings
Clergy of Central Missourii

Welcome Our New Bishop
Francine A. Brookins, ESQ. & Supervisor Rev. Dr. Miriam Burnett

Resurrection - Easter 2024 Celebration


Mission Focus: We give out FREE Bibles after service each Sunday in
February 2022 to Celebrate Black History Month and Other Sundays
"Reading a Bible Chapter a Day Chases the Devil Away."
God is Our Father, Christ Our Redeemer, Holy Spirit Our Comforter, Mankind Our Family
St. Louis/Columbia Church School Conference at St. Paul AME in Columbia, MO, hosted by Re. Stephanie Allen, Rev. Clayton Goodman Presiding Elder. 2023
Family and Friends Day 2022
Man's greatest challenge is not the devil, but the struggle within to be significant which opens the wide door for the devil. The Holy Spirit closes such a door while echoing Jesus saying, "Learn to die to self and be significant in the Garden of the Almighty God."
Grant Lovell Chapel AME Church Memorial
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles 2022

Attention all members, you will receive your information update from this page. If you have any questions, please email or text the pastor
Church Pizza Party- Easter Resurrection Sunday - April 17, 2022
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles - 2022
Feast of Tabernacles Pics (previous)
Make sure you place your pizza and chicken wings order by Saturday August 6, 2022. If you have issues in ordering, call Sis Angela for Grant Lovell, and Sis Rose for Bethel Church. Enjoy the celebration on Sunday!
Update July 10, 2020 from Presiding Elder Cary
1. Recording of your Annual Conference Report- If you are not comfortable doing so yourself, contact Rev. Karla Cooper to schedule. In addition, ALL clergy must submit a headshot photo. If you already have one, please send it to Rev. Cooper. She will review and submit it to the portal. In addition component leaders must also submit a headshot photo.
2. Annual Conference Statistical Report - We are only reporting a ten month period. The cut off date was the last Sunday in June. You can go ahead and complete the form and email a copy to Rev. Heermance and Jo Lee.
3. Register for Annual Conference - If you have not done so, please do immediately. Make sure your delegate/alternate delegate and any clergy at your church do so. Once registered, you will receive confirmation of your registration. Doing so, will allow individuals to receive information to log into Zoom on September 3, 2020, at 8:15am. Once you log into Zoom, this will list you, answering roll-call.
4. The WMS is presenting a HighTea, with the theme, "Tea With God!" This event is being presented "virtually" on July 25th, 2020 in lieu of the evening with the WMS. The tea is $25.00. Please contact Nedra Locke for tickets. Proceeds from the event will be applied toward the Episcopal District WMS Budget.
5. The Fifth District Lay Organization will host a four part series of Systemic Conversations on Freedom, Law Enforcement, Thriving Communities and Economic Justice. Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 6p.m., Virtual. Flyer will be posted on the Midwest North District Website.
6. Midwest Lay Organization will hold their Annual Conference Virtual Service on September 2, 2020, 4-6pm. Guest Speaker is, The Honorable United States House of Representative Speaker, Emmanuel Cleaver ll. He will speak on Justice. (Micah 6:8).
Conference Registration forthcoming.
7. General Budget and Full assessment/offering and copy of report due August 6, 2020. If you would like to mail, send to JoLee Brooks at 4125 Benton Blvd, KCMO 64130. If you physically bring it to Allen/St. John, for safety reasons, put-in the mail slot.
8. Essential Committee Reports- Please do your presentation in landscape format. This is to be recorded. If you need help, please contact Rev. Cooper immediately to schedule a time for recording. Also, submit an electronic headshot photo to Rev. Cooper. If you don't have one, please have Rev. Cooper do so when you record your report.
Midwest AME Annual Conference Update (Sept 2 - September 6, 2020)
Update July 7th, 2020
Presiding Elder Fran Cary is urging all those attending the Annual Conference this year on Zoom to register as soon as possible at:
This is the link for the Midwest Annual Conference.
Update July 5th, 2020
Correct Link for registration
This is the link for the Midwest Annual Conference.
Update July 2, 2020
In order to assist you with the Registration process for your Annual Conference we have provided you the link to the ZOOM REGISTRATION PAGE. This registration is REQUIRED in order to be allowed into the Zoom Annual Conference Webinar.
Feel free to share this link with the Pastors and Conference Officers in your District.
Please be sure to emphasize that ALL persons who answer the Roll Call MUST be registered. That would include All Clergy (Itinerant Elders and Deacons, Local Elders and Deacons, Evangelist and Retirees}in addition to Adult and Youth Delegates as well as Alternates.
The link will also be available on the 5thDistrict AME website on your Conference’s page (once the page is available you will be notified).
The Registration Team
Rev. Nicolette Wilson, Pastor
St. James AME Church
5th District R.A.Y.A.C. Advisor
SCC WIM Worship Leader
Information Update - Monday June 29, 2020
Zoom Training Update
The Midwest AME Conference will proceed as planned from September 2 to 6, 2020. However, instead of meeting in KCI hotel, the conference will take place on Zoom.
Here are the highlights in preparation for the conference on Zoom
1. Anybody given report is considered a panelist.
2. Panelist will be seen, but attendees will not be seen.
3. If you are a participant, you must register for the conference by filling out registration form online.
4. For all those answering Roll Call, they will receive a link shortly before the conference. This link will be personal to individual and will help participants to log in to the conference and be identified.
5. All delegates and alternates are all attendees.
6. The annual conference will feature on Facebook, YouTube and 5th District website.
7. Registration form is online at
8. Pastor's video report between 60 to 70 seconds.
9. Only three things are requested on Baptism, Conversion and Ascension.
10.Pastor's paper report will also be required besides the video report.
11. More Zoom training sessions will follow on July 11, 18 and 25.
12. Video report must be in a landscape version of display.
13. You must be on your device to answer the roll call.
14. Husband and wife attending the conference must receive individual links.
15. Name your video with; your name, pastor's report and information on the video.
16. Every clergy must be in cleric with collar or suit and tie.
17. Log in 15 minutes before the conference starts.
18. Anyone who answers roll call is considered a panelist and may be seen on the video.
19. AME manual is on the district website giving more information about the annual conference.
20. Make sure you have a lot of light behind the camera otherwise your image picture may not show well on the screen.
This Segment from the Last News Letter of June 2020
Church News:
Saturday May 30, Church Conference at 12 noon on Silent Moment line.
Friday Prayer Meeting at 6 pm dial 1-888-406-0412. Access Code 5778468#
Silent Moment Books: The new Silent Moment books are ready and will be mailed to the members. Let me know if you did not receive yours by June 1st.
Sunday School Livestream: On Sunday at 10 am, join the Christ Our Redeemer livestream. I’m alternating with the other ministers to teach Sunday School live.
Worship Service Livestream: Worship Service follows immediately after Sunday School at 11 am.
Sunday School Lessons for the Forthcoming Month – June 2020
First Sunday: June 7, Topic – The Call of Wisdom – Proverbs 1:1-33.
Second Sunday: June 14, Topic – The Value of Wisdom – Proverbs 2:1-11.
Third Sunday: June 21, Topic – The Gift of Wisdom – Proverbs 8:8-21.
Fourth Sunday: June 28, Topic – Wisdom’s Feast – Proverbs 9:1-18.
Forthcoming Church Events
Fifth District-Wide Conference Zoom – Saturday Evening June 6, 2020 at 6 pm.
Quarterly Conference Zoom – Sunday June 7, 2020 at 1pm for both Grant Lovell, Moberly and Bethel, Macon AME Churches.
Recognition of GLCC 10th Year Anniversary July 26, 2020.
Feast of Tabernacles Sunday August 2, 2020.
Mid West Annual Conference Zoom Sept. 2-6, 2020.
Missouri Annual Conference Zoom, Oct. 21-25, 2020.
Corona Virus Update
In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I appeal to you to follow the scientific guidelines of social distancing, wearing your mask when you are going inside a building with different people.
Take off your gloves before you enter any building, or your house. Gloves can be a source of spreading Corona Virus if worn inappropriately.
Let your mask cover your mouth as well as your nose. Don’t open your nose to infection. Obtain N-95 mask if you can. It gives you a better protection.
Avoid high population density area where a large crowd gathers.
The best practice is to wash your hands with soap and water many times a day especially when coming inside the house from outside.
Use hand sanitizers only when you cannot get to water and soap.
Rev. Clement W. Fugh – Bishop 5th District.
Rev. Fran Cary, Presiding Elder – Midwest Conference.
Rev. Darlene Smith – Presiding Elder – St. Louis Columbia Conference.
Rev. Victor Vidal – Pastor Moberly and Macon AME Churches.